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Toledo is located in the heart of the industrial Midwest and is the fourth largest city in Ohio. With a population of over 600,000 in the Metro Area, and a population of almost one million within an 11-county region, businesses in Toledo can draw from a well-trained and readily available workforce. Toledo has a strong manufacturing base in glass, plastic, metal and fabricated metal products, as well as automotive production and assembly. Employers in Northwest Ohio benefit from a well-trained, productive labor pool. Federal, state and locally sponsored training programs help educate and prepare workers as they enter the workforce. In addition, the local labor force has access to the area's excellent highway network, which allows for accessible regional commuting. Four Interstate Highways; 11 State and U.S. Highways; four rail systems, a commercial airport with scheduled flights for eight airlines; and two general aviation airports are located here. In addition, the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority provides cargo facilities for ships using the Port of Toledo at the mouth of the Maumee River. Forty-three percent of the U.S. industrial market and 47% of the Canadian market is located within 500 miles of Toledo in Northwest Ohio.


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